About Us

The Evangelical Assembly of Presbyterian Churches in America (EAPCA) is single ecclesiastical body composed of many churches, with an extended global network. This consists of 7 presbyteries, 73 mission centers, which coordinate various local missions, and over 100 foreign missions and congregations started by EAPC missionaries worldwide.
“Evangelical” and “Presbyterian” describe the core values and structure of our organization. Evangelicals embrace the ‘born-again' experience, use the Bible as the primary source of God's revelation to man and as an absolute authority, encourage evangelism (the act of sharing the Gospel), and focus on Christ's redeeming work on the cross, especially as the means for salvation and the forgiveness of sins. Presbyterians adhere to the Westminster Confession of Faith, emphasize salvation by faith, believe in the absolute providence of God, and govern on a system of Elders, or ‘presbyters'.
This combination of characteristics and beliefs also describe our members' beliefs and our denomination's system. Therefore, we have come to be called by both names, The Evangelical Assembly of Presbyterian Churches.
Included in this area are:
Beliefs—Includes our statement of faith and the core beliefs that all EAPC members hold in common.
Position Statements—Our society has many controversial issues that should be discussed in a professional manner. The following papers attempt to answer the difficult questions of society and morals by using the Bible as our foundation. Issues include abortion, homosexuality, capital punishment, etc.
Our Presbyterian Heritage—How did the Presbyterian Church come to be and what led up to the EAPC? This section describes the history of our church beginning from the 1st century and the early churches. It also goes on to describe important historical figures vital to the creation of the Presbyterian Church.
Constitution—The constitution of the EAPC. This includes the types of rules and polices that the EAPC abides by. This section includes both the Book of Order and the Book of Confessions.
Us—Any questions about our church or our site?
Then ask one of our staff members. This link includes contact
information for our church.